Friday, April 30, 2010

The New Political Correctness?

I've always thought that people complaining about 'political correctness' over the past 20 years or so was pretty lame, and mostly just reflected the fact that they wanted to continue to tell jokes about women, minorities, gay people, and handicapped people with impunity.

So now I see that we're starting to come full circle: in the right-wing version of 'P.C.', one is not allowed to reflect upon history or culture, except to point out that "we're all just individuals". I know that this idea has a long history, of course, but seeing the following just made it click in my brain:

Adding insult to injury, the Arizona legislature passed a bill yesterday outlawing ethnic studies programs:

HB 2281 would make it illegal for a school district to have any courses or classes that promote the overthrow of the U.S. government, are designed primarily for students of a particular ethnic group or advocate ethnic solidarity “instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals.”

It also would ban classes that “promote resentment toward a race or class of people.”

The measure is directed at the Tuscon Unified School District’s popular Mexican-American studies department, which school officials say provides only “historical information” — not “ethnic chauvanism” as the state school superintendent has alleged. One state lawmaker tried to show how ridiculous the legislation is by proposing that schools be barred from teaching about 9/11 because it would result in hatred toward Arab-Americans; the measure failed.

Happy Anniversary Youtube

Apparently, there was no youtube five years ago. Is this really true? Could we watch video online before youtube? Its hard to imagine.

Here is the first youtube video ever; its no Lumiere, but it has a similar spirit to what the Lumiere Brothers were up to over 100 years ago:

140 characters is just right sometimes

"Every asshole who ever chanted 'Drill baby drill' should have to report to the Gulf coast today for cleanup duty," - Bill Maher.