Thursday, March 19, 2009

On Glenn Beck: "I've got cookies..."

I've been meaning to put up something on how I think Glenn Beck is completely mad, but Jon Stewart basically beat me to it. I used to simply find him distasteful, but then recently (since moving over to Fox News) I have found his ramblings to be amusing, and his ability to almost instantly get out of his depth while having a discussion fairly impressive. His discussion here about pot legalization is pretty funny, partly because he acts so weird, but mostly because he eventually makes the case for legalization without really realizing it. And then he even manages to make Bill O'Reilly a little uncomfortable with his random assertions that 'political correctness' causes mass-killings:

All very amusing, but then I read this, which is more disturbing than amusing:
"I don’t believe Al Gore is trying to gas or round up Jews, I don’t believe the result is going to be the same thing. Just understand that the tactic used was a device used by the Nazis. For instance, we have him on tape during the convention or during the inauguration where he was talking to 12-, 13-, 14- and 15- year olds, and he said “Look there’s a lot of things you understand instinctively but your parents don’t understand those things because they’re just too trapped in old thinking.” Well, gosh, I mean, I know he’s not going to be rounding up Jews any time soon but that’s called the Hitler Youth where you turn the children against the parents."
Glenn Beck was in my dream last night, which is disturbing (well, I think I was watching him on TV and remarking to somebody- my father?- how popular and yet how crazy Glenn Beck is).

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